Че-то мне взгрустнулось в очередной раз при воспоминаниях о Ван Бьюрене. В особенности о товарище Джоше Грэхеме, которым он мог бы быть при ином раскладе. И этот тип из Ван Бьюрена мне нравится куда больше, чем в Honest Hearts, он не раскис, впав в религиозный маразм - наоборот, продолжал наводить на все живое страх, трепет и вызывать всеобщую ненависть вплоть до "завидев издали, без переговоров мочили всем селом его и ГГ заодно". Сумасшедший бесстрашный ублюдок, потерявший в этой жизни все (кроме ГГ )) и ненавидимый всеми (кроме нее же). Плюс эффект собаки-неудачки, по-моему это крайне мило: ну как можно бросить его такого несчастного, ведь он же обязательно во что-нибудь вляпается, бедняжка!
в подкатье статья из вики про Грэхема каким он мог бы бытьJoshua Graham (then referred as the Hanged Man) was to be a CNPC in Van Buren, Black Isle's canceled Fallout 3. He was to be the first, and statistically best, CNPC that the player encountered, but was also very evil and would in some ways make the game extremely difficult for players with poor negotiating skills. He was intended to be a "jinxed" NPC, like the pariah dog.
The Prisoner was to encounter somebody hanged by the neck from a pole at Fort Abandon, obviously still alive and enraged. If cut down, the Hanged Man would tag along with the Prisoner. He was wrapped from head to toe in bandages as he had been burned pretty much all over. Save for the fact that he had a connection to Caesar's Legion and was particularly ticked off at them, he would not provide many details about himself.
Rescuing the Hanged Man would cause all the tribals in the region to be angry with the Prisoner as the tribals would blame him for future crimes committed by the Hanged Man. In addition, the Hanged Man may anger any tribals he encounters and try to butcher any Twin Mothers tribals he could find. Having him in the party would make dealing with tribals and some towns extremely difficult.
The Hanged Man would not enter New Canaan. Upon arrival, he would initiate dialogue with the Prisoner and tell him/her that he had something to take care of, offering to meet at Burham Springs later on[1]. Bishop Mordecai would be able to reveal some details about him.
Upon entering Burham Springs, the Hanged Man might quote 2 Chronicles 28. The Hanged Man would laughingly refuse to drop his weapons if commanded to by Phil, possibly even inciting Phil to open fire on the party. It would be very difficult for the Prisoner to defuse the situation.